The best techniques of erotic massage

5 April, 2019

    The hands of our masseuses are a great tool, since the used correctly and professionally. In rubbing erotic massage is more than just a simple touch. Many of the techniques from classical massages can also be applied, as erotic massage feature a wealth structuring. However, there is a fundamental difference between them: the intention.

    While classic massage is designed to treat muscle pain and tension, erotic massage serves to enhance the pleasure. Although some techniques can be exploited, the execution is slightly different. Let’s see what the best erotic massage techniques:

    • Passing or friction: to implement this technique, our erotic masseurs moved his thin hands, with soft and rhythmic movements over your skin. In fact, they usually start erotic massage with this technique, which allows your body to adjust to the contact and heat both the skin and tissues. In addition, it can also be used as an intermediate step between other techniques or changing body. The hands of our masseuses always conform to the contours of your figure, changing the intensity of the passes or friction in the joints and bony areas.
    • Trawl: when it comes to the side of the body, our erotic masseuses perform drag technique, an ideal complement to the passes .
    • Kneading: petrissage relax the tissues and are well suited to perform especially in the areas of more muscular, fleshy body, such as arms, legs and buttocks. Our erotic massage secure the fabric with one hand, along with some meat, lightly pressed and then slide over the other hand. Loose firsthand as the second comes into play. The kneading heat the area in question and increase blood flow.
    • Bobs: unlike the kneading, shaking exert their pressure further. They rub slowly and force the thenar eminence of the thumb on your muscles, letting yourself regulate the intensity that is most comfortable.
    • Percussion: Although its name makes us think otherwise, the art of erotic massage is very nice. They use the outer edges of her hands, with fluted fingers to strike alternately in your body while the hands are moving. This technique is very encouraging, since the areas are accelerated with the vibration of the movements.

    With the use of these techniques of erotic massage and more, our masseuses get fill your body and soul sensation, becoming a routine and boring into something exciting day full of pleasure .