Safety first

1 March, 2021

    The essential measures to be able to enjoy an erotic massage

    In times of pandemic, between daily restrictions and protocols, we live with a constant feeling of insecurity. That is why today we are giving up thousands of pleasures that before we did not imagine being able to live without them. But what if I told you that safety and getting an erotic massage are compatible?

    No security, no pleasure

    n Shiva Massage, safety is one of the most important requirements for all workers. This has always been the case, and in the midst of a global pandemic this requirement has only intensified.

    We do not contemplate offering our pleasant experiences without guaranteeing the safety of all our clients. For this reason, we are committed to following all Covid regulations updated to the millimeter at all times. Thanks to the efficient protocol that we follow, we are avoiding all infections without having to do without erotic massages.

    The Covid-19 situation has forced us to change and adapt to new ways of working different from the ones we were used to. However, this has never been an impediment to continue making you and all those who trust us daily enjoy. At our center we are very clear about our motto: without security, there is no pleasure.

    Protective measures

    In erotic massages, the risk of infection is minimal. A massage is much less risky than a rush hour subway ride. Think that the contact occurs exclusively between you and the masseuse with whom the massage has been contracted. Nobody else.

    The first security measure we use to prevent contagion is to air all the rooms. As we all know, the virus is transmitted through the air, so it is strictly necessary to ventilate the rooms before and after each meeting between the masseuse and the client. Proper ventilation of closed spaces drastically reduces the possibility of getting infected in the time that the massage lasts. Let the air run!

    Another essential measure that we use in each of our services is the frequent use of hydroalcoholic gel. This tool is a fast and effective way to sanitize our hands at any time. The function of the hydroalcoholic gel is to eliminate bacteria and viruses that you may have on the surface of the skin. Both before and after the massage, it is mandatory to use this product to clean your hands. If convenient, it can also be used during the massage.

    The disinfection of the rooms after each massage is also a key factor to avoid contagion. After each visit, the room will be rigorously disinfected, paying special attention to all the parts that may have been contaminated. Cleaning and disinfecting rooms has always been done before, but in the pandemic it has become even more important.

    Finally, another of the preventive measures we follow is the safety distance between the client and the masseuse.

    It is a fact that erotic massage is characterized by physical contact, so avoiding it is an impossible mission. For this reason, the masseuse giving the massage will have to wear a surgical mask for the duration of the experience. In this way, using this essential protection element against the coronavirus, we will be able not to become infected during the duration of the massage.

    Hygiene is part of the experience

    In erotic massage establishments, very strict hygiene restrictions have always been taken to avoid any type of infection.

    The personal hygiene of all our workers, the cleaning of rooms and the disinfection of the material had always been an indispensable requirement in the center. The coronavirus crisis has only caused these security measures to be more restrictive in order to guarantee a safe space to all customers.

    After so many months in the new normal, we have already fully adapted to the health standards and protocols to combat this pandemic. We are very proud to be able to open the doors of our premises, guaranteeing everyone who visits us an impeccable security.

    Travel to your hotel

    Even so, if with all the measures we use you do not feel safe enough, we also offer the possibility of the masseuse moving to your hotel room.

    In this way, it will not be necessary for you to leave your room to enjoy an exciting and sensual erotic massage. Our masseurs are characterized by their professionalism, so when they are in the room they will be in charge of complying with all our Covid protocol.

    Whether you visit our center or if the masseuse goes to the hotel, you must follow the safety instructions that we will indicate. It will not be the sole responsibility of the masseuse, but the recipient of the massage must also carefully follow the anti-Covid measures.

    Treat yourself

    Now, more than ever, it's time to take care of yourself. The stress, fear and anguish that we are subjected to daily is taking its toll on us. For this reason, you must treat yourself to the whim of releasing tension through an erotic massage in our center or in your private hotel room.

    The services we offer comply with all regulations and protocols, so your only concern will be to focus on putting aside all your concerns. Our masseurs can offer you a unique experience, which will make you regain the well-being and inner tranquility that you have been looking for for so long.