Lingam and Yoni Massage

13 October, 2019

    In the world of massages, there are certain ways to provide with respect and care a sensation of wellness, relaxation and pleasure in the intimate zones for both men and women, these techniques are known as lingam (for male intimate zones) and yoni (for female intimate zones) and they can be performed at a hotel massage.

    The lingam massage is basically a massage for the male genital area, where the sexual chakra is located. According to Tantra, this chakra symbolizes the union between mind, spirit and body, so this technique is used to explore the fullness.

    The main objective of the lingam and yoni massage

    The objective of tantric massage of the male sexual organ or lingam is the relaxation of the man and his connection to his most sensitive part, which makes possible the exchange of traditional gender roles at a hotel massage.

    The main goal of the Lingam massage is exploring a new way of pleasure, independent of orgasm. It does not imply the existence of a sexual relationship between the masseur and the customer, but of course, it is a tantric massage you can practice with your partner.

    It is not complicated to perform lingam massage at a hotel massage, especially if it is do itby a couple. The first step consists in he lying on his back with pillows under his torso and head to be elevated, his genitals have to be exposed and he can keep his knees slightly bent so he can feel comfortable in that position.

    Then, she will apply sexual lubricant in the lingam and testicles in a gently way starting a massage on them, after that she will continue caressing the pubic bone and perineum. Immediately she will start caressing the lingam body with a variation of the pressure and the intensity.He will remain his passive position, only breathing deeply, it is important to keep the eye contact all the time.

    She will alternate right and left hand to apply pressure on the lingam base sliding up and down, and she will repeat these movements during some moments. Then she will starts pressing the lingam’s head with a soft massage, it is important to avoid ejaculation, if it is necessary the stimulation will need to be stopped. Finally, she will massage the perineum gently with the left hand while caress the lingam with the right hand.

    If you want to receive an erotic massage in Barcelona, come to Masajes Hotel.

    Yoni massage recommendations

    On the other side, the Tantric massage of the vagina or yoni helps to reach the female relaxation before having the sexual union; it may be very stimulating for man at the same time byseeing how the senses of the woman are awakening. Just like the lingam massage, the main objective is not precisely having orgasms but reaching relaxation and pleasure, and the perfect place to do this is a hotel massage.

    The preparation for the yoni massage is similar to other tantric rituals. A relaxing bath at a hotel massage and an intimate and nice atmosphere with soft music, candles, incense, pillows without any hurry is recommended.

    After having the proper position, the massage will start in the legs, followed by groin, breasts and stomach before approaching the genital zone. The massage must be gentle and slow with circular movements in each zone. It is important to maintain the eye contact and communication during the session at the hotel massage.