Clitoral massage in your hotel room

5 April, 2019

    We are generally used to relating erotic massages to men. In fact, it is true that most of the clients of this kind of services are men, but that does not mean that there are no therapies specially designed for women, such as clitoral massage.

    Receiving a massage of this type by a specialized masseuse is one of the most pleasurable treatments that exist. In addition, the comfort of being able to stay in the hotel room while you are being stimulated is a plus that is well worth a small investment. This way, you won’t have to worry about having to look for transport to get back to your hotel, but we’ll get close to you wherever you are.

    What exactly is a clitoral massage?

    So, the masseuse focuses 100% on the pleasure of the woman, something that not everyone is used to. Without a doubt, men are not always able to satisfy women to the maximum, either because they do not know which are the most sensitive erogenous zones or because they are too worried about their own pleasure and reach the climax, neglecting the most primary needs of women.

    By knocking down one of the most widespread myths, there is nothing wrong with stimulating the clitoris. It is not a sin, since we have already been able to divest ourselves of all those prejudices that were gradually introduced into our heads the Judeo-Christian tradition and the male heteropatriarchy. Luckily, in Shiva we have male and female masseurs who know how to give free rein to your lower instincts and allow you to enjoy the most stimulating your most precious organ.

    The best masseurs in Barcelona

    To make this kind of massage as effective as possible, our therapists adapt to the environment to promote your comfort and relaxation. Then, they caress your body little by little to put you in situation. Thanks to our years of experience in the sector, we know perfectly where we must touch at all times and you will quickly realize that you have put yourself in the best hands.

    When that previous warm-up work is done, the stimulation of the area itself begins. It begins with a soft and slow rhythm to gradually increase to culminate in the climax. Throughout this process, the therapist will communicate with you so that you can express what you like and what you don’t like and get a treatment as pleasant as you can imagine.

    By touching the clitoris and adjacent areas, the body increases its temperature and creates a bond between both people that provides an immense pleasure, and therefore from Shiva we recommend that this massage is also performed in pairs. It is a good way to guide your partner on what your tastes are and make him see that you are able to enjoy a lot without the need to reach penetration inevitably.