Blanca and Dayana, new erotic masseuses who can come to your hotel

5 April, 2019

    Blanca and Dayana are the new masseurs of Shiva, and are fully prepared to stimulate you with its sensual movements. and years that are immersed in the world of erotica ago… and have come to Barcelona to revolutionize the city. Do you want to know? We present them step by step:

    Dayana physicist, your doom

    Dayana’s physique is its main strength. Its endless curves, long blonde hair and her firm belly invite the recipient choose an interactive massage. Able to touch her body, outlining her figure and her hair is tangled with an experience that, combined with the pleasure of erotic massage will leave you speechless. It what you want is physically and mentally connect with the receiver so that in addition to be touched, will try to immerse yourself in your mind in order to share erotic thoughts. If you Coincidís with the objectives, the word satisfaction is going to be short.

    Dayana massage makes men, women and couples. Meet the tastes of each group and leads to more pleasant end. Not content with cause, she wants to get to the end. It will not hold a session finished until you have not experienced what she believes is the height of excitement. Dayana eroticism considered a lifestyle, which must be strengthened every day to get the absolute happiness. If you have an appointment, you will be waiting delighted in one of six separate rooms of our massage center. Through the website of Massage Shiva you can contact us and ask for it.

    Blanca, sweetness personified

    Every day is important to take a moment to find oneself. Achieving tranquility and inner peace is essential to follow the routine without stress or anxiety. Through erotic massage Blanca will find what you are looking at yourself. We are our own inner refuge, and we have to pamper our body and mind. What a better refuge could there be? Eroticism and sensuality are the main weapons to achieve spiritual peace. Let her help you get it!

    Besides if Zen mentality, has many other virtues more: his physique, his experience and training in the field. It is a true expert Body to Body and erotic massage techniques, which means that dominates perfectly the most valued methods of this profession. The personal touch that gives each one of the sessions make a difference to any other erotic massage. His movements and caresses convey softness and intensity in perspective: you go to relax, but do not go to sleep. In fact, your body will alter culminating in the most satisfying pleasures.