Erotic Supreme massage with four hands is an experience that everyone should live at least once in his life. It is for those who are really looking for extreme pleasure . Masseuses undertake this amazing 4 hand massage using their hands and all their bodies.
You will notice how your body is enveloped in waves of pleasure and relaxation massage that will make this unforgettable. Live it in the hands of two of our masseuses .
The supreme erotic massage 4 hands with erotic shower, it’s something you should try at least once in life.
Are you passionate about the erotic massage? You have already experienced several massage but, do you still want to try new things?
Two masseuses will go over your body with their hands and their own bodies creating a magical connection that will make you discover a new world of sensations.
Each body will be wrapped in the heaven on earth and between the 3 bodies it will flow something magical, something unique, something that will make you want to repeat the experience of having a Erotic Supreme massage Hotel with 4 hands erotic shower.
Feeling a massage performed by two beautiful women at the same time is the culmination of eroticism, an unachievable level and unreached by most of the people, and that´s because the erotic Vishnu massage is something inexpressible.
Don´t wait to enjoy this experience that will open you even more your pleasure expectations. Right in your hotel, in your room, with all the privacy and intimacy it entails and specially, being able to stay after your massage, without going anywhere, delighting all you have just enjoyed.
If you already know the world of experiences you can get with an erotic masseuse, Can you imagine two? If you already know what two specialized hands and a sculptured body can do to make you reach the highest pleasure, what do you think four hands and two bodies can do for you?
All our masseuses are specialized in erotic massage with many years of experience and knowledge in the most advanced techniques, well versed about tantric massage and capable to be adapted to their customer needs.
You choose the two masseuses you want to perform a four hands Vishnú massage, look for the best pictures, the best profiles and you won´t be wrong, because it´s impossible to be wrong as all of them will make you want to repeat.
This is the moment to make a step forward, to improve in your erotic massage knowledge, in your hotel and with four hands.