The scope of erotic play

5 April, 2019

    Many people consider the eroticism and sensuality as simply a sex game. Something, intended only as a preliminary, is reduced to a few short minutes. But do we really detract so important? The erotic play should be continuous, something that was essential to the other in a relationship. Sometimes we skip this important part, which is really important to understand all sexual relations.

    To enjoy sexuality as a human condition, it is necessary to understand the functioning of the body and enhance it through eroticism. The skin is our largest organ and is made up of countless nerve endings. Erogenous zones are those parts that wake us sensitivity and pleasure to intimate contact, producing desire and sexual arousal. Most believe that the erogenous zones are reduced to the genitals, but is not. These vary according to personal choice, something that requires self-knowledge. Erotic game allows us to explore those parts of the body most sensuality awaken us, so empower and maximize satisfaction.

    The concept of continuity of erotic sex game gives us thousands of experiences and feelings. In fact, it gives us the opportunity to discover, create and learn what really makes us feel intimacy and pleasure. It also allows us to internalize and explore the relationship between body, mind and emotion.

    To follow a good perfect foreplay is essential to know the techniques of massage, in addition to both own and partner ‘s erogenous zones. Therefore, our erotic masseuses offer you a course to learn the art. One of our massage therapists, you want more, you can teach in one or more sessions the secrets of sensual massage to help you implement it in the depths of your home.

    They are experts in the finer techniques that will surprise yourself and your partner. Erotic massage discloses explodes and sexuality in all its dimensions, which is always beneficial to the other in a relationship. With our erotic massage you’ll understand the importance of eroticism and its splendid qualities.

    Learn the art of erotic massage is one of the special services in massage Shiva Barcelona. A full session costs 250 euros, with a duration of two hours. While in a session and can stay with the most basic and essential techniques of erotic massage is more advisable to ask for a quote. Our erotic masseuses are always available to you, either to delight with their hands or experts to teach their most exciting methods of execution.