Massages and Euretina Congress in Barcelona

5 April, 2019

    The world’s best retinal specialists meet in Barcelona from 7 to 10 September at the International Convention Centre (CCIB). Ophthalmologic problems are very important in all ages and medical and technological advances are crucial to improving health issues. Obviously, our massages are therapeutic and are the perfect complement for professionals attending this important congress.

    If you discover that symptoms of certain eye pathologies have appeared, such as loss of vision or black spots along the entire visual field, special attention must be paid to these and seek specialist attention in order to prevent or make an early diagnosis of certain associated diseases such as macular degeneration. We are in the last months of the year and the accumulated stress is felt. There will be so many months without vacations, overwork or house exhaustion. Be that as it may, we tell you that there is a way to relax and also helps your health, so don’t try to build up more tension if you want to go to the congress by the European Society of Retina Specialists and do your best.

    With a good massage, you can finish with various types of muscle problems such as contractures, which we often cause by being in a constant bad position. Helps blood circulation. Thus, there is an increase in the supply of oxygen in the tissues and especially in the most important organs, delivering only benefits, but always resorting to specialized therapists such as those that we have in Masajes Hotel.

    To complement your stay in Barcelona in the best possible way, our masseurs will travel to your hotel room for maximum comfort. This way, you won’t waste any time and once the massage is over you will be able to refocus on the work on the retina. This city offers many leisure alternatives so don’t just think about what this congress can give you at a professional level, but it is a unique opportunity to enjoy the trip also in a personal capacity.

    You can trust our therapists because they have vast experience and are always doing their best to achieve the well-being of our clients.