Erotic massage over your body releasing daily stress

5 April, 2019

    On-site Shiva Massages you can enjoy a cozy, warm and relaxed atmosphere, decorated with features Eastern cultures. The dim light, stealthy aromatherapy and music will help you escape from daily stress. Immerse yourself in our oasis of tranquility in Barcelona. Through our erotic massage, you can achieve relaxation and stimulation both physical and spiritual. The connection of body and mind is the most effective way to get the absolute pleasure to awaken the five senses and relax stimuli once the massage is completed. What are our proposals more light? They are erotic, but even more relaxing:

    1. Relaxing massage: daily routine and stress can accumulate loads in certain parts of your body. Contractures, strains, aches, pains … With the relaxing massage or descontracturante can revitalize your interior, resolve muscular problems and free your mind. On a stretcher, the soft hands of our masseuses will let flow over time, disconnect and find peace. They use a combination of oils and creams and also will end the session with a sweet neurosedante facial massage.
    2. Massage Brahma: this proposal is as relaxing as a stimulant. If you’re looking for it is a combination of calm, yet touching excitement, this erotic massage is perfect for you. While you remain on the futon, our masseuses will use hands and entire body to create a delicious touch, always using relaxation techniques complemented with sensual and stimulating movements.
    3. Kriya Massage: Kriya Massage goes a step further. Besides getting a sweet relaxation and stimulation, will allow you to interact smoothly with the masseuse. The light touch melee give you a better experience, a great physical and spiritual pleasure. With long, smooth passes that will travel throughout your figure, our erotic masseuses will help you participate beneficially massage.
    4. Vishnú massage: Massage Vishnu is right for the most demanding. Through this technique, you’ll get a full physical and mental harmony, combined with large doses of pleasure. Lying on a futon, you know the hidden erotic arts in the body of the masseuse you choose. You get a relaxing and stimulating exchange of energies that will allow you to arouse inner excitement never before experienced.
    5. Couples massage (receiver): if you want to leave the matrimonial routine and experience a new experience with your partner, surprise her with a couples massage that will never forget. Our special room for couples is the ideal place to enjoy a sensory explosion in an intimate and warm place. Futons stretched in both the room and wrapped in aromatherapy, massage ye shall receive the hands of one or two of our masseuses or, if you prefer, a female masseuse and a male masseur.