Alimentaria 2016, an event that you can not miss

5 April, 2019

    This week it’s Alimentaria 2016, the great world event held in Barcelona agrifood. It is the largest event of the sector and, just this year, organizers and participants celebrate the 40th anniversary. More than 4,000 companies will meet in the Gran Vía de L’Hospitalet and hope that this edition is the most international of all. So people around the world, up to 70 different countries, will train your palate until 28 April. As noted by the general director of the event, José Antonio Valls, El Pais, “internationalization, innovation and business will be the protagonists. The lounge show that it is an enabling environment for companies to innovate moment, they target new consumer trends and increase their presence in foreign markets. ” And we add that it is also an enabling environment for an erotic massage in the comfort of a hotel room now.

    Exhibit or visit in this great fair is extremely tiring. More than 14,000 professionals attend the event and, indeed, we are aware that in the edition of 2014 there were 140,386 visitors, 42,117 of them international. Speeches, walks around the grounds, efforts to get suppliers, explore innovation from other companies… The atmosphere is tired, and probably will need some remedy to endure three days left. From experience we offer Shiva Massages eroticism in the comfort of your hotel in Barcelona. Thanks to the hands of our erotic masseuses, Alimentaria 2016 will become an experience you can not stop repeating year after year. How does this service work?

    All you have to do is stay in any hotel in the city during these days. Access our website, find out about our proposals and meet our precious pearls. Choose a massage and a professional and contact our center, located in Paseo de Gracia. You will have your book in a few minutes, and then only have to wait lying in your bed. What are the advantages of this service? Relaxation and disinhibition are totals. There is nothing more reassuring than having your own space: you can make it yours with the decor you prefer. Scented candles, mood music, slightly elevated temperature, red fabrics … You can build your own bed eroticism and feel extremely comfortable. All with the utmost discretion and privacy possible. You want to live one of the best experiences of your life after Alimentaria 2016?